Sip Baselarea
Biointerfaces International Conference 2024
Now in its 5th edition, the Biointerfaces International Conference is a three-day event that brings together scientists, industrial and clinical representatives. Building on a rich tradition of hosting the event in Zürich, the 2024 edition of the conference is headed to a new location in Muttenz, taking advantage of networking and technology strengths that Basel, Switzerland’s pharmaceutical capital, has to offer.
Learn about exciting science and technologies across experimental and computational disciplines in the Biointerfaces community, from Swiss and international research teams in academia, hospitals and industry. The three-day program will be preceded by a pre-conference seminar for early career scientists.
The call for contributed talks is open until March 31, 2024. Posters can be submitted up to June 30, 2024. Session topics for the 2024 edition will include:
- mRNA therapeutics
- Immune disease interfaces
- Biosensing and diagnostics
- Mechanobiology and mechanoimmunology
- Biomaterials
- Bioprinting and biofabrication
- Computation and labs of the future
- Science to market
The conference is co-organized by the FHNW School of Life Sciences, ETH Zürich, ZHAW School of Life Sciences, and Empa.